Antimony & Lace

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Whoa! What's happening here?

It’s been a minute since I did an update. I have a really bad year last year and, oh look, it has gotten worse! The good news is I am planning on doing some updatage here very soon.

Most recently I have been making masks for at risk friends and general distribution.

The Instructions I have been using are a modified version of these.

This is actually a great project if you have a lot of cotton broadcloth or quilting fabric. Just make sure to wash the fabric in hot water a few times or even boil it to tighten the weave before starting to sew. Masks need to be able to be rewashed many times to be useful. Also I don’t recommend using elastic as it will not hold up to a lot of hot water washing for the to be re-sanatized.

In any case I hope to get the easy Witch Hat project up soon and am trying to think of some others that might be good to keep one busy while isolating.